Agricultural land and Cerial yield

Agricultural land (% of land area) and Cereal yield (kg per hectare)
  Agricultural land, %   Cereal yield, kg per hectare
1990 2010 2013 1990 2010 2013
World 39.4 37.8 37.7 2870.2 3571.4 3897.1
Low income 36.3 38.9 39.3 1119.6 1416.7 1466.7
Middle income 40.5 37.7 37.6 2556.6 3308.9 3654.7
High income 38.1 36.2 36 4131.7 5296 5685.5
East Asia & Pacific 50.5 48.3 48.3 3673.3 4574.3 4909.6
Europe & Central Asia .. 29.6 29.6 3918.6 3281.6 3667.2
Latin America & Caribbean 32.1 34.5 35.1 2019.4 3582.3 4026.2
Middle East & North Africa 29.6 33.1 33.2 1565.9 2331.8 2472.8
South Asia 56.9 56.4 56.8 1926.1 2802.6 3046.2
Sub-Saharan Africa 41.9 44.7 43.9 1053.2 1400.7 1451.4
Mozambique 60.6 63.5 63.5 476.7 1028.4 670.2
Egypt, Arab Rep. 2.7 3.7 3.8 5702.9 6504.3 7276
India 61 60.4 60.6 1891.2 2676.4 2963.4
China 53.9 54.8 54.8 4320.9 5526.7 5889.4
Brazil 28.9 32.7 33.4 1755.1 4040.8 4826.4
Turkey 51.6 50.7 49.9 2214.2 2727.1 3256.7
Russian Federation .. 13.1 13.2 .. 1842.7 2240.3
Germany 51.6 47.9 47.9 5411.1 6718.4 7318
United States 46.6 44.6 44.3 4755.1 6987.6 7340.4
Source:  World Bank Data
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The geographical regions do not include high income countries
/karsten duus    9/2016

Facts about World Development and inequality