CO2 emissions (mill. t)

CO2 emissions (mill. t)    
  1970 1990 2010 2011
World 14789 22201 33516 34649
Low income 156 165
Middle income 3294 8934 18065 19317
High income 9408 11483 13234 13034
East Asia & Pacific 916 2891 9558 10485
Europe & Central Asia 3085 3208
Latin America & Caribbean 510 1010 1717 1760
Middle East & North Africa 324 952 2305 2343
South Asia 228 782 2198 2328
Sub-Saharan Africa 226 453 721 753
Mozambique 3 1 3 3
Egypt, Arab Rep. 22 76 205 221
India 195 691 1951 2074
China 772 2461 8257 9020
Brazil 94 209 420 439
Turkey 43 146 298 321
Russian Federation 1743 1808
Germany 751 729
United States 4329 4824 5409 5306
Source:  World Bank Data
The links above will take you directly to relevant pages at
The geographical regions do not include high income countries
/karsten duus    9/2016

Facts about World Development and inequality