Food production index

Food production index (2004-2006 = 100)   
  1970 1990 2010 2013
World 40 67 114 123
Low income 48 70 124 133
Middle income 29 58 118 129
High income 64 87 105 108
East Asia & Pacific 27 55 118 128
Europe & Central Asia .. .. 103 111
Latin America & Caribbean 31 59 119 131
Middle East & North Africa 26 60 110 117
South Asia 38 69 122 132
Sub-Saharan Africa 41 60 119 130
Mozambique 65 62 152 162
Egypt, Arab Rep. 26 54 108 119
India 39 70 123 139
China 20 48 120 129
Brazil 23 51 124 137
Turkey 45 80 114 130
Russian Federation 88 .. 102 122
Germany 89 109 104 107
United States 54 78 110 113
Source:  World Bank Data
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The geographical regions do not include high income countries
/karsten duus    9/2016

Facts about World Development and inequality